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Single Membership $25.00


Family Membership $




Membership in this Club shall be open to any male or female at least fourteen (14) years of age.


Single membership shall be any individual over seventeen (17) years of age (insurance permitting) and having paid dues as such. Includes gate combination, all outdoor range privileges, as well as voting rights.


Family membership shall include all members of a family residing at the same address, when applicable, the member’s spouse and dependent children under seventeen (17) years of age and having paid dues as such. Includes gate combination, all outdoor range privileges, as well as voting rights for the primary member only.


Youth members are persons at least fourteen (14) years of age that have paid dues as such, through family or single membership. Youth members must be accompanied by an adult member of the club when using any range. Youth members may attend meetings but do not have voting privileges.


Guests of Club members. There are no dues or fees for member’s guests who visit from “out of the area”. However, they are limited to occasional visits, not every season. Those who own property in our area must apply for full membership.


All dues or other fees for club memberships are to be established at the annual July/August business meeting for the following year.


For the purpose of this Article, a full membership shall include a gate combination to the entrance and all other privileges including a single vote on all applicable Club matters.


Members who have not paid dues by the 1st meeting in January will be removed from the mailing list if not paid by the March meeting. Those members that have failed to pay dues for three (3) consecutive years shall be removed from the membership rolls. Members are considered “active” if they have attended a minimum of four (4) regular meetings in a year.


Applicants and/or members convicted of violations of fish and game laws by local, State or Federal authorities are subject to denial and or removal of membership for a length of time determined by the Board of Directors.


CLUB DISCIPLINE; If a member or their guest (s) inadvertently or knowingly damages, removes, or destroys club property or the property of a club member or guest, the damage will be reviewed by the Club President and it’s Officers. If it is determined that restitution is required, then those held responsible must make adequate restitution by making the club, member, or guest whole again in a timely fashion (30 days or less). If a member fails to do so, their active membership shall be terminated and they will not be permitted to renew their membership or enter club grounds until they make petition to the club officers and provide adequate restitution to all damaged parties. If that person(s) that have a terminated membership enter club grounds they will be subject to arrest for trespassing.


Guests and renters who may be found liable under this section shall be forbidden entry to all Club properties until restitution is made and if warranted the club shall pursue legal action.


Willsboro Fish and Game Club meetings are held at 7 pm of every first Wednesday of the Calendar month at the Club; unless otherwise specified.


Memberships are available for purchase thru our club Secretary.  You can mail your membership to Willsboro Fish and Game Club, Attn Club Secretary, P.O. Box 326, Willsboro, NY, 12996.



Click here to get our membership application form.







Please take a look at our Calendar to see if our Club is rented.


If our Club is rented, we ask you to respect our renters and not visit/use our club.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Please click here for our bylaws.


Please click here to see our monthly news letter.


Mowing RFP 2016, Click Here




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